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Flag Bill H.R. 4137
The Make American Flags In America Act
The National Independent Flag Dealers Association is excited to announce that New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has introduced Flag Legislation, H.R. 4137 (previously H.R. 8290), "The Make American Flags in America Act."
This Bill states that any American Flags displayed on taxpayer-funded Federal property must be Made in the U.S.A. Any American Flags purchased by the Federal Government must be Made in the U.S.A.
Additionally, H.R. 4137 includes a section requiring the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) to conduct a study on Country-Of-Origin Labeling for American Flags, and prepare a report to be completed within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act. The Chair of the FTC will be expected to submit this report to the Committee on Energy & Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation of the Senate. The report will include: Results of the study, any recommendations to improve the enforcement for country-of-origin labeling of American Flags and the deterrent effect of such enforcement.
π Click here to read Congresswoman Stefanik's Press Release on H.R. 4137 (released on Flag Day, June 14, 2023)
π The New Bill # in Congress is H.R. 4137; You can log-in to and set-up your account to send you automatic email updates for this bill.
π PDF of New Bill H.R. 4137
π Click here to read Congresswoman Stefanik's Press Release on H.R. 8290
π Review Bill H.R. 8290
π Download one of the NIFDA Flyers and share with others: How You Can Help, NIFDA Supports HR4137, Rise Together (scroll to bottom of page for visuals)
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2. CLICK HERE to download a sample letter to send to congress.
3. Then share the Billβs links & news on all your social media channels.
4. Include #MakeAmericanFlagsInAmericaAct on all your social media posts & shares.
βSeveral small businesses across America, including in Upstate New York and the North Country, share their American pride by making and selling flags. I am proud to support their important work and ensure American flags used by the Federal government are completely made in the U.S.A! β